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Ürün Albayrak

Entrant Company

Ürün Albayrak


Best Interior Design - Commercial

Client's Name

Ürün Albayrak


Northern Cyprus





My university education was conclud-ed in 2008 with a degree in Interior Architecture from the Faculty of Archi-tecture at the Eastern Mediterranean University. After graduation I began to develop my work experience with a job at Demirbağ Mobilya and Noy-anlar Construction. 


With my developing vision, I have im-proved my understanding of interior design materials and their respective application while creating customer oriented solutions.

My work experience continued with  Buğra Design & Furniture. Throughout my career i have designed over 500 kitchens, a wide range of projects and the design of cafes, restaurants, social areas, hotel lobbies, Ercan Airport food court, a 250 bed capacity dor-mitory project, a sports centre and the Northernland’s Main Office; which provided me with the opportunity to win the Platinum Award for BEST COMMERCIAL INTERIOR DESIGN.