Start by registering online to create your account. Complete the required details and set up your username and password. Once your account is created, you can begin by selecting your group and categories, and complete the payment process by reviewing your entries and confirming your selections. Once the payment is confirmed, you can continue with the awards entry process, where you’ll provide detailed information about your submissions.
When submitting your entry for a specific category, it is important to upload all required materials and documents in accordance with the category's specific criteria. To support you throughout this process, you will be assigned an awards advisor who will ensure that your submission meets all requirements.
After submitting your project, an awards advisor will conduct a preliminary review, offering insights and constructive feedback to enhance your submission. This process includes assessing design quality, visualization, presentation, category compliance, imagery, and descriptive text.
Your entry will be evaluated against all criteria for the specific category you selected and rated by an international & national panel of judges.
A grand final Gala Night event is hosted, where attendees enjoy a champagne reception and gala dinner, with the awards announcements.
There are many benefits to sponsoring a regional award, these include:
Global Media
Endorsement &
Award Logos