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Mushroom Plant

Entrant Company

Yapım inşaat ve Müteahhitlik Ltd.


Best Renewable Energy Project

Client's Name

Yapım inşaat ve Müteahhitlik Ltd.


Northern Cyprus





Since 1988, Yapım Construction have used improved contemporary technology to build high quality living spaces. The company’s main principle is to provide the best service to its customers and give them the peace they are looking for. Both Cyprus’s geographic position and locations of our projects are aimed to give our customers maximum comfort and economical living. When clients buy their first home after that they become lifelong clients to Yapım Construction.


In this project, it is planned to the use sun as a renewable energy source in order to produce electricity. Solar electricity is green renewable energy and doesn’t release any harmful carbon dioxide or other pollutants. The site is still under construction but there will be 880 cells/panels and they are going to produce 200 kilowatts of electricity. To this end we are planning to reduce the carbon footprint of our company. We are also going to use this energy for another project, mushroom production project, which exists on the same site as the solar panel systems.


Mushroom production thesis was founded in order to make both mushroom cultivation and use of the waste from this production as another source for multiple agriculture. The production capacity of mushroom thesis is approximately.1 tons and 200 kg per week. In order to get this amount of product, at least 40 kilowatts is needed and this demand is supplied from solar electricity panels.