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  • Address, Gazimağusa, Kuzey Kıbrıs Address
  • Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm Timeing
  • [email protected] Mail to us

M. Arch. Yusuf Özerdem

Entrant Company

The Architect Company


Recognition Award

Client's Name

The Architect Company


Northern Cyprus





The Architect Company was established in 2014 as an architectural design studio by M. Arch. Yusuf Özerdem. Our Office develops innovative, yet efficient and economically viable design alternatives for mostly residential buildings and office projects considering the uniqueness of the “place” and the individuality of requirements. Under such main elements, all components required for design and user sustainability shape our designs. We proceed by thinking all details throughout our designs with our office motto, as ‘details’ constitute the whole. As a young and new office, our objective is regardless of ‘scale’ and ‘volume’ to bring in a number of projects that would be beneficial for human and would not be harmful.