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  • Address, Gazimağusa, Kuzey Kıbrıs Address
  • Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm Timeing
  • [email protected] Mail to us

Hebo Construction Family

Entrant Company

Hebo Construction Family


Best Modular Building

Client's Name

Hebo Construction Family


Northern Cyprus





Hebo Yapı is a sub-company established by KH Group and has been producing manufactured permanent houses, bungalows, Polyurethane sandwich cabins, steel structures and polyester cabins since 2004. The company also deals with the making of social facilities and steel construction systems for both residential and villa projects. 

Hebo has a very basic work philosophy. To provide our clients from Cyprus, Turkey, Europe and Asia with work of the highest standards and with good service at reasonable prices. 

HEBO has successfully completed several facilities, offices and prefabricate houses that are resistant to earth-quakes or any other natural conditions that could destroy a building.

While working with Hebo Yapı, you can be sure that your expectations will be met with our professional attention to all projects.