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  • Address, Gazimağusa, Kuzey Kıbrıs Address
  • Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm Timeing
  • [email protected] Mail to us

North Cyprus Contract Services

Entrant Company

North Cyprus Contract Services


Best Newcomer

Client's Name

North Cyprus Contract Services


Northern Cyprus





Although a relatively new Company we were judged to be the best newcomer to the industry for our forward thinking and innovative approach to the Construction Sector.

N.C.C.S have developed a safe way to purchase property in the TRNC.


The N.C.C.S Scheme has already signed up major estate agents, advocates and developers who can see the long term benefits to help kick start the stalled property market.

With a comprehensive range of contracts covering all aspects of the building industry, the client is fully protected and only paying for works certified and completed. Ronald Livingstone the N.C.C.S Company Founder has been involved in the construction industry for over 25 years. Tanya Hassan is the N.C.C.S  P.R and Marketing Manager and has created the Marketing strategy for 9 months Our Team also consists of Building, Architectural and Public Relations experts from the UK and locally.