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Batur Sağlamer's Kitchen

Entrant Company

Arredo Kitchen & Furniture


Kitchen of the Year

Client's Name

Arredo Kitchen & Furniture


Northern Cyprus





Durability and continuity are very important in furniture selection. Especially when it is installed and transported or in place, the material of the furniture must be of good quality.


Although it is on the world standard chip, MDF lam stands out in private areas (especially in graded areas). For this reason, MDF lam has been preferred in this kitchen since the covers will be made with acrylic paint and the body will be completed with paintings.


In order to evaluate the time spent in the kitchen in the most efficient way, many elements should be considered together. In these elements, as well as kitchen appliances and accessories, planning of the kitchen is also important. 


After the material and color choices that will be used in the kitchen are chosen, the activity areas needs to be planned. In the kitchen we have shown, there is a dining area, cooking and washing area and a resting area where you can sit and watch TV.